Custom Adult Sports Flannel Hooded Blanket 56''x80''
Customize your own Hooded Blanket featuring an ultra-soft flannel with a premium print, this hooded blanket can be used for wrapping yourself while at your favorite sporting event, relaxing, watching TV, or playing video game.
• Made of flannel that keeps you warm.
• Lightweight and durable, can be folded away compactly.
• Features a premium no-fade print with beautiful color vibrancy.
• One-side Printing, 56"(L) x 80"(W)
• Machine washable and dries quickly.
PLEASE READ** Please allow 2-3 weeks (Production time+shipping time) Shipping is included. Your Proofs will be sent BEFORE Production!!
Ideal image size in pixels (W * H):
12000 x 8400 or Higher / 150 dpi
Other Available Size: 56''x80'', 50''x60'', 40''x50''